Upgrade Your Time on the Water with C-MAP® REVEAL™ X
REVEAL X delivers all of the rich data, features and dynamic user experience found in DISCOVER X charts – including best-in-class Day & Night modes, detailed High-Res Bathymetry, intuitive Map Inspector and seamless Simrad® Companion App integration – and takes your Navigation experience takes your experience to the next level, with additional game-changing Shaded Relief and Satellite Overlay layers.
Next-Generation Charts
Refreshed chart presentation, with full-featured vector data and rich features
High-Res Bathymetry
The best C-MAP® bathy data, with an intuitive Map Inspector tool
Custom Depth Shading
Set a safety depth and create your own custom colouring to level-up your fishing

Reveal Shaded Relief Layer
Bring the world around you to life, with 3D rendered land and underwater elevation – including areas of Ultra-High-Res Bathymetric imagery – a game-changer for anglers and divers.
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